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The complaints received by cyber cell indicate that said crime is on rise. Mostly credit card fraud, e-banking fraud, email and social web crimes are being reported.
The user of computer or mobile must take care to protect the password and user id of their accounts to avoid misuse of it or to avoid unauthorized entry into his computer system. Since the financial transaction is online one must take care at the most. The password should be designed in such way that it should be difficult to guess by others and also at the same time it should be easy to remember by user. Password should have alpha numeric and special characters. The length of password should be more than 8 characters. When you want to write it down in your diary that time it should not be written as it is, but use some dummy characters in-between it to avoid misuse.
While surfing the net criminals take over the control of user’s computer by luring him for free stuff on internet such as free songs, softwares, screensavers, etc. When user downloads the free stuff it opens a back entry for the spying software and it monitors and takes the control of that computer. It is advised that one should never download free songs, movies, etc. from such websites. Instead use licensed version products. Use licensed version anti virus having total security and update it regularly without fail.
The credit card fraud is on rise. User must take care that anytime his card does not go out of his sight. When one types the pin of credit / debit card at ATM or at point of sell that time to avoid shoulder surfing always shield it by other hand or paper. The user of credit card should not hand over credit card at places like restaurant, petrol pump etc. instead accompany him to point of sale. At the ATM please check carefully for skimmer on card sliding slot or duplicate key board pasted on original one, if something is found to be suspicious immediately report it to concerned agency / police.
The phishing activities are also on rise. Therefore, do not submit any information when any bank account holder receives the email purported to be sent by the bank stating to submit information (like account number, password, etc.) by clicking link in the email. Never click the links provided by such emails as it directs to deceptive site. No bank asks such information on email or phone.
Transmission and viewing of pornography is crime. There are many pornographic websites available on internet. It is mouse trap for viewers and most of the viewers get trapped in to it. It is advised that no one should view or surf pornography otherwise viewer’s computer would be infected with spyware.
There are more than 200 social web sites and chatting is very common on it. Most of the users take chatting very lightly and remain busy in chatting with unknown chat friends without checking credentials. Criminal takes disadvantage of this trend and trap the people. There are numerous crimes committed through chatting like murder, extortion, abduction, cheating, defamation, fake marriage, identity theft, etc.
The great virtues of the Internet are ease of access, lack of regulation, vast potential audiences, and fast flow of information which have been turned to the advantage of terrorist groups committed to terrorizing societies to achieve their goals. Terrorist use net for recruitment in their organization by gaining sympathy by some wrong stories. Initially they gain the confidence and then trap the individuals.
Internet is double edged technology. It depends how one use it. There is a real war going on in cyberspace but it is invisible to most of us. One should be alert with presence of mind all time while surfing the net.
“Be Alert, Be Safe.”